20 Million Americans May Lose Insurance today. What happened? What can you do?

NY Times, January 12, 2017. WASHINGTON — The House is expected to give final approval on Friday to a measure that would allow Republicans to speedily gut the Affordable Care Act with no threat of a Senate filibuster, a move that would thrust the question of what health law would come next front and center even before President-elect Donald J. Trump takes office.The House vote would come after the Senate narrowly approved the same measure, a budget blueprint, shortly after midnight on Thursday. Americans woke up Thursday to the realization that a Republican Congress was serious about repealing President Obama's signature domestic achievement — a move that could leave 20 million Americans unsure of their health coverage and millions more wondering if protections offered by the Affordable Care Act could soon be taken away.

What happened? On Tuesday, January 10, this website reported "ObamaCare is Almost Safe." We are now reporting the ACA is almost sure to be repealed without replacement (though the new Administration claims it will replace it.)

What happened? On Tuesday, 5 Republican Senators had submitted an amendment to extend the deadline to reconciliation to March 3.

Portman withdrew the Amendment. Why? On Wednesday, Trump had called for an immediate end to ACA and he and they caved.

Thursday morning, after midnight, the Senate voted 51-48 to repeal without replace by approving a budget resolution instructing House and Senate Committees to begin work to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Only Rand Paul voted with the unified Democrats.

This in itself is terrible and frightening because the Republican Controlled House is no bulwark to protect ACA.

This is also a dangerous portend for the future. Republicans we thought might stand against Trump on specific issues seem unlikely to do that, if this is the precedent.

Again, the House will vote today.

What can you do? PIck up the phone. Call your congressperson. Switchboard: 202-224-3121. Call to their DC and district offices. Call if they are Dem or Rep.

Here is a sample script.

It is now or never.


January 13, 201

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